Portrait Styles

The Timeless Style

The Timeless Style

"We should give our children just two things - roots and wings" Hodding Carter

This style is essentially a relationship portrait, is full of emotion and completely simple in style. Clothing and backgrounds are kept purposely dark to enhance the impact of the image and bring the viewer’s focus to the subjects' face.

To see some of our Timeless images visit our Gallery www.mchughphotography.ie/galle  ...  2b1974827777abf

The Contemporary Style

The Contemporary Style

"There are no seven wonders of the world in the eyes of a child. There are seven million." - Walt Streightiff

This style is brighter and more energetic. We use bright backgrounds and encourage bright clothing. The shooting style is dynamic, and focuses on getting positive interaction among the subjects. Again,the aim is to capture relationships in a simple clean style.

The Colour Study

The Colour Study

“We worry about what a child will become tomorrow, yet we forget that she is someone today.” Stacia Tauscher

This style is simple and reflective, mostly concentrating on the face of the subject. Colourful clothing is encouraged, especially hats and scarves that can enhance the eyes.

With this type of portrait we try to capture the essence of the child and preserve the all-too-fleeting expressions of childhood.

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